最近終極三國 播的還不錯 先要感謝大家的收看
每個禮拜都有掛著期待 看撥出...
我唯一個地方讓我有點難過是 我們還沒播的每一集的劇情都會鋪出去
有點對我,其他演員和整個劇組不太公平...因為我們都很辛苦的拍, 然後想要給觀眾朋友們一個期待感和新鮮感
可是我們發現 網路上 都一直在解釋出 我們哪一天在拍什麼戲 然後會討論到將來會發生什麼事
都把我們的戲講出去...雖然我知道很多人想知道 可是 那個期待感多多少少會少了一些...
所以我有個請求, 就是不要把我們的戲講出去, 讓我們終極三國全組一起開心的拍讓大家都開心的看好戲好不好
還有啊 我想說看到很多人在門外等著 我會心疼...因為我絕得我們辛苦是因為要工作 可是並不用你們一起爆肝啊 hehehe
要好好休息 保養身體 保持體力...不用一大早就要打起精神辛苦的等著好不好?
lately KO SanGuo's ratings are fairly high and I have all the audience to thank
haring and seeing people out there just having a plain conversation about our story gives me such the motivation
every week having such high expectation for the next episode to come
the only part that gets me upset is that the the future episodes that have yet to broadcast has already been revealed
it comes to a point where it kinda isn't fair to the whole crew...we're filming with heart and soul for the audience... giving the audience as much freshness and entertainment but at the sametime discovering that as we film, the story is being hacked into pieces and fed to the world wide web making it notorious for everyone to glance.
Though i know many succumb to the temptation in wanting to know the what happens next...but when that happens, the story becomes plain more or less....this is a great impact on the crew.
So I beg of you not to have the story on the red carpet...with that said, the crew can film with enthusiasm having everyone to enjoy our show
oh and by the way, I know some have been waiting in the outdoors for quite sometime and it just aches me to know that they get up way early in the morning and wait till the night for people to show up...We get up early and get off late because we're working but you don't have to accompany us..cause it'll destroy your liver...
yah gotta protect your body, get lots of rest...reserve energy ok?